Tutorial 2 video Tutorial 3 video Tutorial 4 video Tutorial 6 video New this year! This year, DSN will accommodate a renovated tutorial track featuring the following exciting news:
Tutorials Chairs
Catello Di Martino (catello.di_martino [at] alcatel-lucent.com), Bell Labs - Alcatel Lucent, US Roberto Baldoni (baldoni [at] dis.uniroma1.it), Sapienza Univ. of Rome, IT
Email Contact: tutorial_proposals2016@dsn.org
Tutorial 1: Common Safety Method for Risk Evaluation and Assessment (CSM-RA) and Hazard Analysis Tutorial Safety systems require accident avoidance. This is covered by application standards, processes, techniques and tools that support the identification, analysis, elimination or reduction to an acceptable level of system risks and hazards. Ideally, a safety system should be free of hazards. However, both industry and academia have been struggling to ensure appropriate risk and hazard analysis, especially in what concerns completeness of the hazards, formalization, and timely analysis in order to influence the specifications and the implementation. This tutorial will provide insights on the fundamentals of CSM-RA based and complemented with Hazard Analysis and when and how to apply them. The relation and similarities of these processes with industry standards and the system life cycles will be highlighted and a specific hands-on session will guide the attendees through several example cases of the application of the CSM-RA, for the railway domain, with the identification and management of the hazards related to the system or system proposed changes. You can dowload the Flyer including the abstract and bios here Tutorial 2: Reliability and Availability Modeling in Practice The diffusion of IT in any area of the human activity requires a high level of dependability of the digital systems, and necessitates the application of accurate modeling techniques. In this tutorial we will expose methods used in reliability, availability, performability and survivability modeling and analysis of systems in practice. Non-state-space solution methods are often used to solve reliability block diagrams, fault trees and reliability graphs. Relatively efficient algorithms are known to handle systems with hundreds of components and have been implemented in many software packages. We will show the usage of these model types through practical examples and via the software package SHARPE. Nevertheless many practical problems cannot be handled by such algorithms. Bounding algorithms are then used in such cases as was done for a major subsystem of Boeing 787. You can dowload the Flyer including the abstract and bios here Tutorial 3: Activating Protection and Exercising Recovery Against Large-Scale Outages on the Cloud The tutorial is designed to be hands-on and will be organized as a full-day activity. First, we will introduce terminology, theory, concepts, and metrics for providing resiliency on a cloud platform. We will catalog factors that make building resilient applications on the cloud easy in some cases and particularly complicated in other cases. The bulk of the tutorial will focus on educating the audience with a series of hands-on exercises, in which they will access a pre-created cloud virtual infrastructure and applications, activate protection against outages at multiple levels of the cloud stack, orchestrate recovery procedure for a simulated site-level outage, and orchestrate failback to the primary site (simulating the reconstruction of the primary site). The hands-on exercises will be tailored to enable audience members to gain a strong grasp of the practical challenges involved in cloud resiliency, e.g., determining recovery priorities based on business criticality, recovery groups, and coordinated recovery across multiple virtual machines constituting a business application. Through the exercises, we will reinforce core design principles and design elements for building resilient cloud applications. We will recap with a survey of commercial and academic solutions and conclude with emerging areas (e.g., container-based resiliency) and future research challenges in cloud resiliency. You can dowload the Flyer including the abstract and bioshere Tutorial 4: Measuring Resiliency through Field Data: Techniques, Tools and Challenges Data collected under real workload conditions can provide troves of valuable information about the stresses the systems encounter and their responses to them. Textual/numeric data and log files produced by applications, operating systems, networks, and other monitoring sources play a key role for assessing system reliability. Practitioners, academia, and industry strongly recognize the inherent value of log data. Data-driven evaluation deepens our understanding of the system dependability behavior, and enables stronger design and better monitoring strategies. However, in spite of recent advances, data-driven reliability evaluation keeps posing challenging questions due to the scale, complexity and diversity of applications. You can dowload the Flyer including the abstract and bios here Tutorial 5: Building Highly-Available Distributed SDN Applications with ONOS
ONOS (Open Network Operating System) is a distributed applications platform aimed at building SDN applications for service provider networks. Size and critical nature of these networks dictate that the platform and control applications built atop of it must be resilient to failures, must be scalable and perform fast both in terms of reaction latency and throughput of control operations. You can dowload the Flyer including the abstract and bios here Tutorial 6: Resilience for Scientific Computing: From Theory to Practice Resilience becomes a critical issue for large-scale platforms. This tutorial provides a comprehensive survey of fault-tolerant techniques for high-performance computing, with a fair balance between practice and theory. It is organized along four main topics: The tutorial is open to all DSN'16 attendees who are interested in the current status and expected promise of Resilience approaches for scientific applications. There are no audience prerequisites: background will be provided for all protocols and probabilistic models. However, basic knowledge of MPI will be helpful for the hands-on session. |
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