Calls for Contribution > TutorialsThe DSN Tutorial program is a forum for leading work on all aspects of dependability, security and resilience of systems and networks, covering both theory and experimental themes. It offers attendees the chance to learn from and to interact with leading experts in the most popular areas of dependability, security and resilience of systems and networks. DSN tutorials cover a wide range of topics. The tutorials committee is soliciting proposals for full-day (six hours) or a half-day (three hours) tutorials on topics in the following areas (as well as others):
Hands-on Tutorials: As in previous years, the DSN2016 tutorial committee encourages “hands-on” tutorials – those that give attendees the chance to try pre-prepared demos or exercises during the tutorial. Tutorials focused on 101 courses on new technologies, as well as development, analysis, monitoring and assessment tools are good candidates for hands-on demos, but others may be as well. Priority will be given to tutorial on disruptive technologies and/or with substantial hands-on activities for attendees. A list of past DSN tutorials (2012 – 2015) is available here. News! Selected half-day tutorial will benefit of a single complementary conference registration to the main conference. Selected full-day tutorial will benefit of up to 2 complementary registrations to the main conference according to the amount of hands-on activities performed. If your tutorial is accepted, you are also welcome to provide a 2-5 minute video pitch to advertise your tutorial, which will be posted on the DSN2016 website as well as on other channels (e.g., youtube, facebook, twitter and dedicated dependability and IEEE/IFIP channels) well in advance of the conference. Dissemination. We will create a digital copy containing all tutorial notes (no hard copies). The digital copy will be issued to all tutorial and conference attendees. All tutorial proposals must explicitly agree to the release of the tutorial notes for this purpose. Authors of selected tutorials will be required to write a document including i) motivation and goals of the tutorial, ii) organization of the tutorial, iii) related references. The document must follow the main conference guidelines for margins and layout and it will be included in the supplemental volume of the proceedings. How to submit. Please refer to the call for proposals available here. Tutorial proposals must be submitted electronically via easychair at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dsn2016tutorials Important Information Important Dates Tutorials Chairs Roberto Baldoni (Sapienza Univ. of Rome, IT) |
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