Awards > Jean-Claude Laprie AwardJean-Claude Laprie Award The award committee decided to recognize two outstanding papers as winners of the DSN 2016 Jean-Claude Laprie Award in Dependable Computing: For technical/scientific research impact: W.C. Carter and P.R. Schneider, Design of Dynamically Checked Computers, Proceedings of the IFIP Congress, Vol.2, pp.878 – 883 (1968). This paper introduced the concept of “self-checking properties” which was one of the key concepts that laid the foundation to create the area of research and technologies for dependable computing and fault tolerance in late 1960’s. Since then, the concept has widely prevailed in the context of design and implementation for dynamical checking, such as self-checking circuits, self-checking checkers, concurrent checking, self-testing, online testing and concurrent error detection, which is the first step required to trigger succeeding procedures of the dynamic fault tolerance for realizing dependable computing systems. The paper has significantly influenced the technical/scientific research on dependable computing in both hardware and software, and deserves to be awarded as an outstanding paper that has been time-tested. For broad impact on the dependable computing community: A. Avizienis, J.C. Laprie, B. Randell and C. Landwehr, Basic Concepts and Taxonomy of Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. Vol.1. No.1, pp.1 - 23 (2004). In this paper, Avizienis, Laprie, Randell and Landwehr clarified and formalized the definitions of “faults, errors and failures” with respect to system’s hierarchy and boundaries to facilitate the dependable computing community to have fruitful interactions. The concept of dependability was expansive and inclusive with respect to accidental and malicious faults and included reliability, safety and security as key attributes. The paper was instrumental in promulgating this holistic view of dependability and brought the security community into the dependability fold. The 3900+ citations of the paper unambiguously reflect its immense impact and value across both communities. It is also worthy of special mention that quite a few people in the community contributed to the process of continuous efforts represented by the paper through intensive discussions to refine the concepts and taxonomy of dependable and secure computing. Authors of the winning papers will be presented the award on June 28, at the special session dedicated to Jean-Claude Laprie.
Dr. Jean-Claude Laprie was Directeur de Recherche at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France. He devoted his entire career to research on the dependability of computing systems. His unique capability of abstraction and formalization, and his contributions to the formulation of the concepts and methodologies of dependability, rapidly led to national and international recognition. He received the IFIP Silver Core in 1992, the Silver Medal of French Scientific Research in 1993, and the Grand Prize in Informatics of the French Academy of Science in 2009. He was made Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite in 2002. The IFIP 10.4 working group on Dependable Computing created the award in his honor in 2011. It recognizes outstanding papers that have significantly influenced the theory and/or practice of Dependable Computing. List of past recognized papers: DSN 2015
DSN 2014
DSN 2013
DSN 2012
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